A Whirlwind Trip Through Havana December 8, 2020Posted inCentral & South America, Travel Musings "Weed? Wifi? Wifi, Weed?" A man muttered under his breath down a dark street. Backpackers sat on the curb waiting for other offers. "Wifi," we said,…
Dealing with an Abusive Roommate During COVID Lockdown December 8, 2020Posted inCOVID Stories, New York City, Personal Essays, Stories My father and I had picked up my mattress and boxspring from the Brooklyn apartment I shared with my abusive roommate, strapped it to the top…
In Search of Caracois: The Summer Dish of Lisbon November 26, 2020Posted inEurope, Portugal, Travel Musings The caracóis dish is seasonal, paired well with beer and blaring heat...