This page consists of 35 mm photos from around the world & audio recorded with a mini cassette voice recorder. While travel blogs focus primarily on written word and gorgeous, high res images, it is the secondary sensory cortex (the area of the brain that is responsible for processing more complex information about a stimulus, such as distinguishing between different musical tones) that trigger an emotional memory of a place or event.
I want to share the sounds of the world to give a fuller sensory experience of a place. As for the photos, some images are underexposed, some over. This is not the gallery of a master photographer but rather a blogger exploring imperfection and hurried shots while on the road.
*coming soon*
Iceland, 35mm Expired, Color Negative Film
Selfoss, Northern Lights 35mm Film Color Negative Diamond Beach 35mm Film Vik 35mm Film Black Sand Beach 35mm Color Negative Golden Circle 35mm Expired Film West Fjords, Iceland 35mm Film West Fjords 35mm Expired Film Expired 35mm Film Iceland