The Westman Islands’ Puffin Patrol: an Icelandic Tradition December 29, 2020Posted inEurope, Iceland, Stories, Travel Musings September harkens in the noble puffin patrol. The children of Heimaey save baby puffins that have landed in their town and free them out towards the open ocean.
An American’s Unintentional Travel Through COVID Italy December 22, 2020Posted inCOVID Stories, Europe, Italy, Personal Essays, Stories, Travel Musings It was time to leave Iceland. I had 30 more days left on my Schengen Zone visa but David had two weeks before having to pay…
A Whirlwind Trip Through Havana December 8, 2020Posted inCentral & South America, Travel Musings "Weed? Wifi? Wifi, Weed?" A man muttered under his breath down a dark street. Backpackers sat on the curb waiting for other offers. "Wifi," we said,…